It’s that time of year again – ConCarolinas weekend!  Yay for my local SFF conference!!  JP and I came across this conference several years ago and we’ve loved going since!  Because it’s small there are a bunch of regular attendees (who totally rock) and it’s super awesome to have the chance to hang out and catch up.

So if you’re in the Charlotte area, I totally recommend this conference!  I won’t be selling books there but please feel free to grab me in the hallway (or before/after panels) to chat, sign stuff, etc.  (And since someone asked, I don’t charge a signing fee).

Here’s my schedule:

Fri 09:00 pm: Twilight: Love it or Hate it? – Olmstead room


Sat 10:00 am: Magic in the City – Trends in paranormal/urban fantasy fiction.
Sat 12:00 pm: Writing for the Web – Blogs, tweets and other web-based musings (where I’ll be hanging with the other participants in the Magical Words group blog).
Sat 03:00 pm: Learning to Write – A new panel of guests give their advice to novice writers.

All of those panels will be in University Ballroom A.

Hope to see you there!!